NK Hostel nearest MRT station is NanJing Sanmin Station (SongShan-Xindian Line)
  • Songshan-Xindian Line
    (Green Line)

    Please take Songshan-Xindian Line to【Nanjing Sanmin】station. Exit from No. 4 and turn left, walk straight about 8 to 10 minutes (time may vary by walking speed)

    Arrived at No. 399, You will see NK Hostel Logo sign beside the main building entrance. Please take the elevator up to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located. 

    Ticket Price
NK Hostel surrounding bus station called Nan-Songshan (Nanjing), and Nan-Songshan (Tayou).
Both bus stations head to Sonngshan train station, Nangang Exhibition Center. Or Taipei Arena, Taipei Main Station., etc.
  • Nan-Songshan
    (Nanjing) Stop
    Bus No: 53 / 204 / 248 / 306  / 307 / 668 / 711

    There are two bus stops in front of the NK Hostel.  Bus name: Nan-Songshan (Nanjing) Stop.

    【Point A】
    Arrive from Songshan Station,Nehu,Nangang / To Taipei Arena, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei Main Station.

    - Route for walking to NK - 
    From this station, please turn right and you will see NK Hostel sign after 30 seconds. (No.399)

    【Point B】
    Arrive from Taipei Main Station, Taipei Arena, Zhongxiao East Road / From Songshan Station, Nangang, Xizhi District.

    - Route for walking to NK - 
    From this station, there is a pedestrian walkway underneath the expressway. Please walk thru, and you will find NK Hostel logo on the right-hand side. 

    Less than 1-minute walk will arrive at the building entrance.   Please take the elevator to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located.

    Bus Price
    NTD15 / Adult / One way
  • Nan-Songshan
    (Taoyu) Stop
    Bus No 63、286、286、307、BR1、BL27、MinSheng MetroBus

    Besides the NK Hostel, there are two bus stops on Tayou Road. Bus name: Nan-Songshan (Tayou).

    【Point A】
    Arrive from Mingsheng Community, Songshan Airport, Mingsheng East & West Road. / To Songshan Station, City Hall, Nangang, Nehu.

    - Route for walking to NK -
    After getting off the bus, please proceed to the intersection (follow the direction).  Turn right at the intersection.  30 seconds later, you will see the entrance door of the building. Please take the elevator to the 5th floor, where the reception is located.

    【Point B】 
    Arrive from Songshan Station, Nangang, Nehu / To Mingsheng community, Songshan airport, Minsheng East & West Road. 

    - Route for walking to NK -
    Please proceed to the intersection when getOff the bus.

    Please cross the street towards to "City Suites"

    Keep walking straight, after 30 seconds, you will see the entrance of the building. Please take the elevator to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located.

    Bus Price
    NTD15 / Adult / One way
NK Hostel is between Nangang and Taipei Station

    - Location Map Between Taipei station and Nangang station to NK Hostel - 

    We have listed a few ways of transportation to NK Hostel. Please refer below,

    1. 【High speed rail Taipei Station ⇒  Take the train to Songshan + BUS/TAXI/WALK】
    If you getOff from Taipei station, we would suggest you transfer the railway within the building to Songshan station. (As Songshan is the next train station, only takes 6-8 minutes by train). After arrived at Songshan station, please exit from 【West Exit:Songshan Rd. / Hulin St.】

    - BUS -
    If you choose to take the bus to NK Hostel, Please turn right when you exit from West exit.  Across the road and turn left to No.697 Bade Road Section 4th.  There is a bus station name 【Songshan Station (Bade)】, just behind the Metro exit No.1
    Take bus No. 63、204、306、668、711、Minsheng metro bus 、Brown 1, Arrived to【Nan-Songshan(Nanjing)】 OR 【Nan-Songshan(Tayou)】.
    ► GetOff at 【Nan-Songshan(Nanjing)】, turn right and you will see NK Hostel sign after 30 seconds. (No.399)
    ► GetOff at 【Nan-Songshan(Tayou)】, turn left and proceed to an intersection, across the road towers City Suites, keep straight ahead, after 30 seconds, you will see NK Hostel Sign.  (No. 399)

    - TAXI -
    If you choose to take the taxi to NK Hostel.  There is a taxi stand at the B1, the same level from the railway exit. It takes about 5 minutes by car to NK Hostel only.

    - WALK - 
    Please exit from 【West Exit:Songshan Rd. / Hulin St.】to the 1st floor, and turn right at the Songshan road to Bade road Section 4th.  Please turn left on Bade road, and walk straight to Tayou road.  You will see the City Suites in front of the road. Across the road, and keep walking straight, you will see NK Hostel sign after 30 seconds.

    2.【High speed rail Taipei Station ⇒ Metro】
    Please transfer Metro inside the Taipei station to【Zhongshan】station, then transfer to Songshan-Xindan Line to【Nanjing Sanmin】station. Exit from No. 4 and turn left, walk straight about 8 to 10 minutes. (time may vary by walking speed)

    3.【High speed rail Taipei Station ⇒ Bus】
    Please exit from B1 level to 【K underground Mall (eslite)】exit.

    Please exit from underground Exit Z4 OR Z2, there is a bus station 【Taipei main station (Zhongxiao)】. Take bus no: 307 to【Nan-Songshan (Nanjing)】, the duration is about 30-40 minutes (time may vary by traffic).

    About 25~40 minutes (depending on the traffic) by bus, you will arrive at 【Nan-Songshan (Nanjing)】 Station。 Once GetOff the bus, there is a pedestrian walkway underneath the expressway. Please walk thru, and you will find NK Hostel logo on the right-hand side. 

    Less than 1-minute walk will arrive at the building entrance.   Please take the elevator to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located.


    - Location Map Between Taipei station and Nangang station to NK Hostel - 

    We have listed a few ways of transportation to NK Hostel. Please refer below,

    1. 【High speed rail Nangang Station ⇒  Take the train to Songshan + BUS/TAXI/WALK】
    If you getOff from Taipei station, we would suggest you transfer the railway within the building to Songshan station. (As Songshan is the next train station, only takes 6-8 minutes by train). After arrived at Songshan station, please exit from 【West Exit:Songshan Rd. / Hulin St.】

    - BUS -
    If you choose to take the bus to NK Hostel, Please turn right when you exit from West exit.  Across the road and turn left to No.697 Bade Road Section 4th.  There is a bus station name 【Songshan Station (Bade)】, just behind the Metro exit No.1
    Take bus No. 63、204、306、668、711、Minsheng metro bus 、Brown 1, Arrived to【Nan-Songshan(Nanjing)】 OR 【Nan-Songshan(Tayou)】.
    ► GetOff at 【Nan-Songshan(Nanjing)】, turn right and you will see NK Hostel sign after 30 seconds. (No.399)
    ► GetOff at 【Nan-Songshan(Tayou)】, turn left and proceed to an intersection, across the road towers City Suites, keep straight ahead, after 30 seconds, you will see NK Hostel Sign.  (No. 399)

    - TAXI - 
    If you choose to take the taxi to NK Hostel.  There is a taxi stand at the B1, the same level from the railway exit. It takes about 5 minutes by car to NK Hostel only.

    - WALK -
    Please exit from 【West Exit:Songshan Rd. / Hulin St.】to the 1st floor, and turn right at the Songshan road to Bade road Section 4th.  Please turn left on Bade road, and walk straight to Tayou road.  You will see the City Suites in front of the road. Across the road, and keep walking straight, you will see NK Hostel sign after 30 seconds.

    2.【High speed rail Nangang Station  ⇒ Metro】
    Please transfer Metro inside the building to【Zhongxiao Fuxing】station, then transfer again to【Nanjing Fuxing】, then transfer again to【Nanjing Sanmin】station. Exit from No. 4 and turn left, walk straight about 8 to 10 minutes (time may vary by walking speed)

    3.【High speed rail Nangang Station  ⇒ Bus】
    Please exit from North 1 or North 2 exit, Passing thru Nanxing Park, then across the road. There is a bus station on the right【Nangang Dist. Admin center】. Please take bus no. 306、668、711.

    About 20 minutes later, and soon arrived to【Nan-Songshan (Nanjing)】station.  NK Hostel logo is right aside the bus stop. (No.399). 

NK Hostel is between Taipei main station and Songshan Station. Close by Songshan (Only 1 km distance, 5 minutes by car)

    STATION NO: 0990

    Songshan is a railway and metro station in Taipei, Taiwan served by Taiwan Railways and Taipei Metro. This station connects to the shopping center at basement 1 and level 1.

    We have listed a few ways of transportation to NK Hostel. Please refer below,

    1. 【Railway to Songshan + BUS/TAXI/WALK】
    If you arrive at Songshan station, please exit from 【West Exit:Songshan Rd. / Hulin St.】Then choose either by bus, taxi or walk to NK Hostel.

    - BUS -
    If you choose to take the bus to NK Hostel, Please turn right when you exit from West exit.  Across the road and turn left to No.697 Bade Road Section 4th.  There is a bus station name 【Songshan Station (Bade)】, just behind the Metro exit No.1
    Take bus No. 63、204、306、668、711、Minsheng metro bus 、Brown 1, Arrived to【Nan-Songshan(Nanjing)】 OR 【Nan-Songshan(Tayou)】.
    ► GetOff at 【Nan-Songshan(Nanjing)】, turn right and you will see NK Hostel sign after 30 seconds. (No.399)
    ► GetOff at 【Nan-Songshan(Tayou)】, turn left and proceed to an intersection, across the road towers City Suites, keep straight ahead, after 30 seconds, you will see NK Hostel Sign.  (No. 399)

    - TAXI -
    If you choose to take the taxi to NK Hostel.  There is a taxi stand at the B1, the same level from the railway exit. It takes about 5 minutes by car to NK Hostel only.

    - WALK -
    Please exit from 【West Exit:Songshan Rd. / Hulin St.】to the 1st floor, and turn right at the Songshan road to Bade road Section 4th.  Please turn left on Bade road, and walk straight to Tayou road.  You will see the City Suites in front of the road. Across the road, and keep walking straight, you will see NK Hostel sign after 30 seconds.

    Train fare please refer to website.
    STATION NO:1000

    We have listed a few ways of transportation to NK Hostel. Please refer below,

    1. 【Railway Taipei Station ⇒  Take the train to Songshan + BUS/TAXI/WALK】
    If you getOff from Taipei station, we would suggest you transfer to buy an extra train ticket to Songshan station. (As Songshan is the next train station, only takes 6-8 minutes by train, price NTD18~23). After arrived at Songshan station, please exit from 【West Exit:Songshan Rd. / Hulin St.】

    - BUS -
    If you choose to take the bus to NK Hostel, Please turn right when you exit from West exit.  Across the road and turn left to No.697 Bade Road Section 4th.  There is a bus station name 【Songshan Station (Bade)】, just behind the Metro exit No.1
    Take bus No. 63、204、306、668、711、Minsheng metro bus 、Brown 1, Arrived to【Nan-Songshan(Nanjing)】 OR 【Nan-Songshan(Tayou)】.
    ► GetOff at 【Nan-Songshan(Nanjing)】, turn right and you will see NK Hostel sign after 30 seconds. (No.399)
    ► GetOff at 【Nan-Songshan(Tayou)】, turn left and proceed to an intersection, across the road towers City Suites, keep straight ahead, after 30 seconds, you will see NK Hostel Sign.  (No. 399)

    - TAXI -
    If you choose to take the taxi to NK Hostel.  There is a taxi stand at the B1, the same level from the railway exit. It takes about 5 minutes by car to NK Hostel only.

    - WALK -
    Please exit from 【West Exit:Songshan Rd. / Hulin St.】to the 1st floor, and turn right at the Songshan road to Bade road Section 4th.  Please turn left on Bade road, and walk straight to Tayou road.  You will see the City Suites in front of the road. Across the road, and keep straight, you will see NK Hostel sign after 30 seconds.

    2.【Railway Taipei Station ⇒ Metro】
    Please transfer Metro inside the Taipei station to【Zhongshan】station, then transfer to Songshan-Xindan Line to【Nanjing Sanmin】station. Exit from No. 4 and turn left, walk straight about 8 to 10 minutes (time may vary by walking speed)

    3.【Railway Taipei Station ⇒ Bus】
    Please exit from B1 level to 【K underground Mall (eslite)】exit.

    Please exit from underground Exit Z4 OR Z2, there is a bus station 【Taipei main station (Zhongxiao)】. Take bus no: 307 to【Nan-Songshan (Nanjing)】

    About 25~40 minutes (depending on the traffic) by bus, you will arrive at 【Nan-Songshan (Nanjing)】 Station。 Once GetOff the bus, there is a pedestrian walkway underneath the expressway. Please walk thru, and you will find NK Hostel logo on the right-hand side. 

    Less than 1-minute walk will arrive at the building entrance.   Please take the elevator to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located.

    Train fare please refer to website.
There are many ways arrive to NK Hostel
1. Airport bus + Walking / Taxi / Taipei Metro
2. Taoyuan Airport Express + Taipei metro
  • CitiAir Bus
    【Taoyuan Airport - Taipei city hall bus terminal】
    1960 East Bus

    Please getOn bus from Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 from Bus area.  You may buy the ticket at the counter.
    1960 route is from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport→Taipei City (City Hall bus terminal).  Duration is 80-90 minutes (depending on the traffic)

    - 1960 Route - PLEASE LINK HERE 
    Once arrived at City Hall Bus Terminal, there are few ways to get to NK Hostel.  Please refer below,

    In front of the City Hall Metro Exit no 2, there is a bus station.  Please getOn bus No. Blue 27, and arrive at 【Nan-Songshan (Nanjing) 】station. 

    Once getOff the bus, please proceed to the intersection.

    Please cross the street towards "City Suites", and keep straight walking. 

    After 30 seconds, you will see the entrance of the building. Please take the elevator to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located.

    No. Blue 27 Bus Information:
    First/Last bus:[weekday] 0530 - 2300 [weekend] 0530 - 2300
    Duration:peak hour: 15-20 minutes; off-peak: 20-30 minutes

    At B2 floor inside the Uni-Ustyle Department Stores (next to City hall Bus Terminal), there is a taxi stand.  Please taxi to NK Hostel, where is about 1.5 km in distance.  Fare approximately NTD75-90 / per way

    3. 【METRO】
    Please getOff at 2nd airport bus station 【Zhongxiao Fuxing】. Transfer the metro from here. Take Wenhu Line to 【BR11-Nanjing FuXing】. Transfer again to Songshan Xindian Line to 【G18-Nanjing Sanmin】station. Exit from No. 4 and turn left, walk straight about 8 to 10 minutes (time may vary by walking speed)

    Arrived at No. 399, You will see NK Hostel Logo sign beside the main building entrance. Please take the elevator up to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located. 

    1960 Bus fare:
    NTD145 / Adult / One-way
    NTD70 / 6-12yr Child & 65yr Elder / One-way
    (Please refer to website for fare change)
  • Evergreen Bus
    【Taoyuan - Taipei city】
    No. 5201

    Please getOn to the bus from Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 from Bus area.  You may buy the ticket at the counter.  Bus duration is 60-70 minutes (depending on the traffic)

    - 5201 Route - PLEASE LINK HERE

    After getting off the bus, there are few ways to get to NK Hostel.

    1. 【BUS】
    Please walk to the bus platform on Nanjing East Road.  HopOn the bus heading to Songshan direction (Infront of the  Metro exit no.8)  Please take bus no. 46、306、307、668、711.

    About 10-15 minutes (depending on the traffic) by bus, you will arrive at 【Nan-Songshan (Nanjing)】 Station。 Once GetOff from the bus, there is a pedestrian walkway underneath the expressway. Please walk thru, and you will find NK Hostel logo on the right-hand side. 

    Less than 1-minute walk will arrive at the building entrance.   Please take the elevator to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located.

    2. 【METRO】
    Transfer the metro from 【G16-Nanjing FuXing】 Take Songshan Xindian Line to 【G18-Nanjing Sanmin】station. Exit from No. 4 and turn left, walk straight about 8 to 10 minutes (time may vary by walking speed)

    Arrived at No. 399, You will see NK Hostel Logo sign beside the main building entrance. Please take the elevator up to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located. 

    5201 Bus fare:
    NTD125 / Adult / One-way
    NTD62 / 6-12yr Child & 65yr Elder / One-way
    (Please refer to website for fare change)
  • Kuokuang Bus
    【Taoyuan Airport - Songshan Airport】
    No. 1840

    Please getOn to the bus from Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 from Bus area.  You may buy the ticket at the counter.
    1840 route is from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport→Songshan Airport.  Duration is 70-80 minutes (depending on the traffic)

    - 1840 Route - PLEASE LINK HERE
    Once arrived at Songshan Airport, there are few ways to get to NK Hostel.  Please refer below,

    1. 【BUS】

     GetOff at No. 7 bus platform.  Walk backward to No.1、2 bus platform.  Please take bus BROWN 1 here.
    After getting off from the bus, please proceed to the intersection (follow the direction).  Turn right at the intersection.  30 seconds later, you will see the entrance door of the building. Please take the elevator to the 5th floor, where the reception is.

    2. 【METRO】
    GetOff at No. 7 bus platform.  Walk towards the airport building.  You will see Metro exit no. 1 at your right-hand side.

    From Songshan airport, please take the Metro to 【BR-11 Nanjing Fuxing】, then transfer to Songshan Xindian Line to 【G18-Nanjing Sanmin】.  GetOff here, and exit from No. 4 and turn left, walk straight about 8 to 10 minutes (time may vary by walking speed)

    Arrived at No. 399, You will see NK Hostel Logo sign beside the main building entrance. Please take the elevator up to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located. 

    1840 Bus fare:
    NTD140 / Adult / One-way
    NTD70 / 6-12yr Child & 65yr Elder / One-way
    (Please refer to website for fare change)
    Promotion rate
  • Kuokuang Bus (24HR)
    【Taoyuan Airport - Taipei Main Station】
    No. 1819

    Please getOn the bus from Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 from Bus area.  You may buy the ticket at the counter.
    1819 route is from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport→Taipei Main Station.  Duration is 70-80 minutes (depending on the traffic)

    - 1819 Route -  PLEASE LINK HERE
    Once arrived to Taipei Main Station, there are few ways to get to NK Hostel.  Please refer below,

    1. 【BUS】
    Please walk inside to the main station building, and go to basement B1, find the exit from underground Exit Z4, there is a bus station 【Taipei main station (Zhongxiao)】. Take bus no: 307 to【Nan-Songshan (Nanjing)】

    About 25~40 minutes (depending on the traffic) by bus, you will arrive at 【Nan-Songshan (Nanjing)】 Station。 Once GetOff the bus, there is a pedestrian walkway underneath the expressway. Please walk thru, and you will find NK Hostel logo on the right-hand side. 

    Less than 1-minute walk will arrive at the building entrance.   Please take the elevator to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located.

    2. 【METRO】
    Please walk inside to the main station building, and go to the Metro level, and from【R10-Taipei Main Station】take Tamsui-Xinyi Line to 【R11-Zhongshan】, transfer here to Songshan Xindian Line to 【G18-Nanjing Sanmin】Exit from No. 4 and turn left, walk straight about 8 to 10 minutes (time may vary by walking speed)

    Arrived at No. 399, You will see NK Hostel Logo sign beside the main building entrance. Please take the elevator up to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located. 

    1819 Bus fare:
    NTD140 / Adult / One-way
    NTD70 / 6-12yr Child & 65yr Elder / One-way
    (Please refer to website for fare change)
    Promotion rate


    From Taoyuan Airport Terminal 1 or Terminal 2.  Take the express to the final station - Taipei Main Station.

    - Route for walking - 
    After stepping out of the metro, please follow the signs toward the Taipei Metro - Songshan-Xindian Line 【G13-Beimen】exit.  Keep walking underneath for about 5-7 minutes, you will arrive at the Taipei Metro Beimen entrance. Take the metro to Songshan direction, and get off at 【G18-Nanjing Sanmin】 Exit from No. 4 and turn left, walk straight about 8 to 10 minutes (time may vary by walking speed)

    Arrived at No. 399, You will see NK Hostel Logo sign beside the main building entrance. Please take the elevator up to the 5th floor, where the Reception is located. 

    NTD160 / Adult / One-way
    NTD128 / 6yr above child / One-way
    Discount NTD10 since October 2018.
    //Promotion is subject to change//
  • Private transfer service

    NK have cooperate with reliable transportation company. The chargeable private airport transfer service to/from NK hostel helps you travel light and easy!!

    Please have your information 24hr in advance:
    1. Flight number
    2. Time of Arrival
    3. Full name
    4. Number of Passengers
    5. Contact number

    Taoyuan airport to NK Hostel:
    3-4 Seaters NT1600 (with nameboard)
    7 Seaters van NT2000 (with nameboard)
    // Supplement hour 23:00-06:00,with extra NT100 one -way //

    NK Hostel to Taoyuan airport:
    3-4 Seaters NT1300
    7 Seaters van NT1700

    // Additional 5% handling fee with credit card //
There are 3 ways to get to NK Hostel
1. By taxi
2. By Taipei Metro
3 By City bus

    Please exit from the door C, then turn left.

    Immediately walk out from door C, you will see Metro Exit No.1 on your left-hand side.

    HopOn from【BR13-Songshan Airport】to【BR11-Nanjing FuXing】, then transfer to Songshan-Xindian Line to【G18-Nanjing Sanmin Station】. 

    HopOff at【G18-Nanjing Sanmin Station】, Exit from No.4, and turn left walk straight ahead for 8-10 minutes (vary from different walking speed)

    Soon you will see NK Logo and building name【南京商務大樓】,Please take the elevator up to the 5th floor, where the reception is located.

    Metro fare:
    Single way NTD20 / Adult
    Approximately 13 minutes.

    Please exit from the door C.

    Pass thru the road, and turn left to No. 1、2 Bus Platform

    Please wait for the BROWN 1 bus here.

    After getting off from the bus, please proceed to the intersection (follow the direction).  Turn right at the intersection.  30 seconds later, you will see the entrance door of the building. Please take the elevator to the 5th floor, where the reception is located.

    Bus Fare:
    NTD 15 / Adult、NTD 12 / Student
    NTD 8 / Child (115~150cm)
    Free / Below 6 year-old
  • TAXI

    Please exit from door C and turn right.

    There is a taxi stand on the right. The taxi goes by meter and time.  Some taxis can pay by credit card, please check the side window for credit card sign.

    Distance to NK Hostel is 3.5 km, 10 minutes by car.
    Taxi fare approximately NTD120-130 within (Late night Supplement hour NTD145)。
NK Surrounding Parking Lot
NK Surrounding Parking Lot
We have few lists for parking lot around NK Hostel
Please choose one of following parking lot which is fit your needs.
  • NK Hostel underground Parking
    Address: No.399, Nanjing East Road, Section 5th, Taipei / underneath the building

    Parking:Standard car or SUV

    Vehicle Height Limitation:  
    Maximum Length: 4795mm (Safety 4500mm)
    Maximum Width:  1800mm (Safety 1730mm)
    Maximum Height: 1750mm (Safety 1475mm)

    NK Hostel parking lot is rented from the committeeIf you require the parking lot, please make the reservation with NK staffs. (Reservation only) Please pay the parking fee directly to the security at the ground floor.  Due to the underground parking is mechanical space, it's quite difficult to park inside. Please pay attention while parking.

    - Route for driving -
    Please let the security knows when you arrived in front of NK building. Security will show you the parking lot entrance.   Turn right into the alley beside the grocery shop.

    Turn right when you approach the first intersection.  Then you will see the parking lot entrance on the right.

    Weekday & Weekend NTD200 /Car /Night (unlimited access)

    // Until check-out time 11:00 next day //
  • NanJing Tayou Parking Lot
    No. 81, Tayou Road, Songshan Dist,, Taipei / 2 minutes walking

    - Route for walking - 

    - Route for driving - 
    Please proceed to Baoqing Street, and make a U-turn on Nanjing East Road.  Make a left turn when you proceed the intersection again. (Please do not go on the bridge). Soon, you will see the parking entrance.

    Remark:  SUV vehicle is acceptable, open for 24 hours.

    Weekday NTD40 /hr, Maximum fee for 12 hrs NTD200 /Car
    Weekend NTD60 /hr, Maximum fee for 12 hrs NTD300 /Car
  • DoDo Home 1
    Address: Opposite side of No. 14, Lane 453, Section 4, Bade Road, Songshan Dist. Taipei / 2 minutes walking

    - Route for walking - 

    - Route for driving- 

    Remarks:  SUV vehicle is acceptable.  Open for 24 hours 

    Weekday NTD40 /hr, Maximum fee for a day NTD200 /Car
    Weekend NTD80 /hr, No maximum fee during weekend

    //Please refer fare on spot, No recommend parking at site during weekend//
  • DoDo Home 2
    Address: No. 36, Tayou Road, Songshan Dist., Taipei / 2 minutes walking

    - Route for walking - 

    - Route for driving - 

    Remark:  SUV vehicle is acceptable, open for 24 hours.

    Weekday NTD40 /hr, Maximum fee for a day NTD200 /Car
    Weekend NTD80 /hr, No maximum fee during weekend

    //Please refer fare on spot, No recommend parking at site during weekend//
  • Taiwan Parking
    Raohe Site
    Address: No. 455, Lane 453, Section 4, Bade Road, Songshan Dist., Taipei / 5 minutes walking

    - Route for walking - 

    - Route for driving - 

    Opening hour: Weekday 09:00~20:00 / Weekend11:00~21:00
    Remark:  Limited parking for vehicle height below 190cm.  Out of opening time, able to pick up the car, but cannot park the car.

    Weekday NTD30 /hr (08~22) / NTD20 /hr (22~08),
    Maximum charge NTD150 /Car /Per Day
    Weekend NTD50 /hr (08~22) / NTD20 /hr (22~08),
    Maximum charge NTD250 /Car /Per Day
  • Shin-Chang-Yue Tayou
    Address: No.164, Tayou Rd. Songshan dist., Taipei / 7 minutes walk

    - Route for walking - 

    - Route for driving - 

    Remark: SUV vehicle is acceptable, Open for 24 hours.

    Weekday NTD30 /hr, Maximum NTD130 /Car
    Weekend NTD40 /hr, Maximum NTD160 /Car

    // 23:00~08:00 NTD10 /hr //
  • Zhengqi Bridge Parking Lot
    Address: No. 60, Section 1, Keelung Rd, Xinyi Dist,, Taipei / 7 minutes walking

    - Route for walking- 

    - Route for driving -  

    Remarks:  SUV vehicle is acceptable.  Open for 24 hours 

    NTD30 /hr,Maximum fee NTD200 / Car / Per Day
    // 22:00~08:00 NTD10 /hr //
  • Guanshan River Parking Lot
    Turn Right at No.215 Tayou Road, Songshan Dist., Taipei

    - Route for walking - 

    - Route for driving - 

    - Route for bus- 

    Please exit out to Tayou Road, and across the street, there is a bus station 【Xindong Village】,Please get on the bus No: 63, Mingsheng metro bus, Brown 1.  
    Please get off at 【Nansongshan (Tayou)】, only 2 stops away.  Proceed to the Nanjing Road intersection. Make the right turn when you arrive at the  City Suites hotel.  After 30 seconds, then you will see NK Hostel's sign at the building entrance.  Please take the elevator to the 5th floor for Reception.

    NTD30 /Car / Once (Re-counting next day)

    From Monday to Saturday, from 09:00~17:00
  • Bade Parking Tower
    Address: No.580, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei / 5 minutes walk

    - Route for walking - 

    - Route for driving - 

    Remark:  SUV vehicle is acceptable.  Open for 24 hours.

    Weekday NTD40 /hr & Weekend NTD50 /hr

    // Do not have maximum parking fee per day over weekend and weekday //